Atlas RFID Store’s Interview with Dr. David Evans at RFID Journal Live! 2016

2nd August 2016


Technology Solutions (UK) LTD recently exhibited their latest products at the RFID Journal LIVE! 2016 show in Orlando, Florida.  Atlas RFID Store interviewed TSL’s Managing Director Dr. David Evans on the Show floor, and have just published the interview online which you can watch below:

For additional information, including links to buy TSL products on the Atlas RFID Store, you can read the full News Story here:


Founded in 2008, atlasRFIDstore is a trusted source in the RFID hardware industry. They are a global retailer providing customers with a secure, one-stop location where you can buy RFID components for your own systems and applications. atlasRFIDstore sells name-brand products in virtually every RFID hardware category, so you can build cost-effective RFID solutions across a variety of verticals.

atlasRFIDstore’s offices are located in the Innovation Depot, a technology hub in downtown Birmingham, Alabama. They have customers all around the globe and ship products worldwide.