TSL® Repair Services

All TSL® products come with a standard 12 months Return to Base Manufacturer’s Warranty. To enhance and extend your warranty, consider purchasing a CompleteCare Maintenance Program, detailed below*. As TSL® manufactures your products, we know how to best protect them. CompleteCare is one-stop coverage with extensive customer support.

*We currently offer our CompleteCare Maintenance packages for the 1128, 1153, 1166, 2128, 2128P, 2128L, 2173 and 3166 RFID readers.

CompleteCare Logo

Reduce downtime and maximise productivity and efficiency by investing in a TSL® CompleteCare maintenance program, giving you total peace of mind. With CompleteCare, there are no unexpected repair costs and you will also benefit from significantly reduced turnaround time for your repairs, ensuring you protect the continuity of your business and maximise performance output.  CompleteCare benefits include:

UK-based Facility

Our ‘Best in Class’ manufacturing facility based in the UK provides repairs, replacements and priority support for our CompleteCare customers. With our tailored resources we are able to respond promptly to expedite your repairs and replacements without delay.

Technical Support

Email our Technical Support Team for speedy issue resolution, with the aim of getting you back up and running in the shortest possible time. Our online Troubleshooting Guides can also help you identify issues or pinpoint a hardware fault.


As we enter a new era of huge worldwide efforts to improve the sustainability of every industry, you can help reduce the environmental impact of your business by getting your TSL RFID readers repaired and re-used. Extending the working life of each TSL reader is essential, especially given that RFID hardware has a much longer useful service life than (for example) mobile phones or mobile computers. The Bluetooth® functionality within all of our readers means they can continue to be used even if your fleet of smart devices changes.

If we need to replace a part of the product during a repair, as a whole the environmental impact of the repair is still far lower than simply replacing the entire product, by using fewer raw materials and less energy to produce the smaller part, and producing less waste when the damaged part is disposed of.

CompleteCare Features:


CompleteCare Shield

Term  1, 3 & 5 years
Support help desk  Mon-Fri 9am-5pm1 GMT
Best in class manufacturing facility
Dedicated RMA2 team
Manufacturing defects
Normal wear & tear coverage
Repair turnaround time at service centre 3 – 5 business days3 
Shipping service Express 2-3 Day shipping
Failure reports

1Excluding observed Bank Holidays
2Return Material Authorisation
35-7 business days for 1166 and 3166 readers

Detailed Service Description

A detailed description of each CompleteCare Maintenance Service can be downloaded from this page.

Purchase Your Plan

To purchase a CompleteCare Maintenance Program, please contact your RFID supplier at the time of purchasing your TSL® products. Your CompleteCare Maintenance Program must be purchased within 30 days of purchasing your TSL® product. You can email enquiries@tsl.com for more information on any of our repair services.

Non-Warranty Repairs

For products that are not covered by a TSL® Maintenance Program and are out-of-warranty, we can offer a chargeable repair service to prolong the lifetime of your unit. To generate an out-of-warranty repair, visit our Troubleshooting Guide page. A tailored quotation will then be provided to keep your repair cost to a minimum.

Have a Problem?

If your product is already covered under CompleteCare and you are experiencing hardware issues, please complete the relevant Troubleshooting Guide and our dedicated team will be in touch.