Can I use the ePop-Loq® connector?

To connect over ePop-Loq® (TSL’s custom attachment solution that uses the USB standard) you will require a 21xx or 31xx series Reader and an ePop-Loq® Mount  for your terminal.



21xx products alt



TSL supply ePop-Loq® Mounts for several popular hand-held terminals.


Insert your Terminal into the Device Mount

Check that the ePop-Loq® case contacts are clean and clear from obstruction.

Fit the terminal fully into the case.

Mount the terminal on the Reader

Check that the ePop-Loq® socket is clean and clear from obstruction

Align the the case with the Reader’s socket and press firmly together.

First-time Android connections

When connecting a Reader to an Android terminal for the first time, you will be presented with permissions dialogs.

The appearance of the dialog varies by Manufacturer and Android version. Choose whether you want the App to always open when you connect the Reader or to just use it for this session.


The dialog may look like this:

Click the OK option – if you want to always use the App when this Reader is connected, check the ‘Use by default…‘ box. Note: the check box is ignored on some versions of Android (typically v6 or lower).

Both Dialogs appear!

Sometimes you may be presented with both types of dialog.

It is usually sufficient to choose your preferred options in one dialog and dismiss the rest.