File Name Type Version Date Notes
Software Development Kit for TSL 3N1X modules
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Icon 1.0.2 December 10, 2024

This package provides the documentation and software tools for the 3N1X Developer Kit.

Included with this release are:

  • The STORM Protocol reference manual
  • The Development Kit User Guide in PDF format
  • The STORM Protocol Explorer Windows UWP application and example files
  • C# Sample Code to build a Windows Console app
  • The STORM C API for embedded development
TSL ASCII Software Development Kit – for Android™
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Icon 2.8.0 May 21, 2024

This release of the native Android SDK introduces ASCII Protocol 3.0 - the backwardly compatible, evolution of TSL's ASCII Protocol 2. The ASCII Protocol 3.0 update provides support for TSL Series 3 Readers, such as the recently introduced 3166 UHF RAIN RFID Reader.

Additions to the protocol include:

  • The LinkProfileCommand to allow access to the new, faster Series 3 RF Modes.
  • A SelectPause parameter, on the ReadTransponderCommand, to provide the carrier wave needed for optimal reading of Magnus S3 temperature Sensor Tags e.g. HID Sense Passive, Axzon etc...
  • A new SystemCommand that can be used to alter the baud rate of the ePop-Loq connection and adjust the volume of system sounds, such as the power on beep.
  • An AlertVolume parameter, on the AlertCommand, that allows fine-grained control of the alert volume (0-100%).

See the included "Version History.txt" file for full details.

The SDK also sees the introduction of:

  • An improved Inventory Sample Project that can access the Series 3 Reader RF Modes for significantly faster tag read rates.
  • A new Sample Code project, for accessing Magnus S3 Temperature Sensor Tags demonstrating all the steps required to reliably access temperature, sensor and RSSI values.
  • A reworked LicenceKey Project that demonstrates the use of an Asymmetric Public Key Cryptography signature approach.

The v2.8.0 SDK is built for Android API Level 34.

TSL ASCII 2 Software Development Kit – for Xamarin .NET Standard Development
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Icon 2.1.0 November 28, 2022

This release provides compatibility with the Google 2022 API requirements for Android (API Level 31).

The sample project in the SDK release has been updated to use the Tsl.AsciiProtocol v1.6.0 NuGet package – which is required when targeting API level 31+.

When Android 12+ or later is targeted, the following permissions must be both declared in the AndroidManifest.xml and obtained at runtime:

  • Manifest.Permission.BluetoothConnect
  • Manifest.Permission.BluetoothScan

Until these runtime permissions are obtained from the user, no Bluetooth® devices will be available.

We provide an example of how to obtain these permissions in the Sample.Connections.Forms.Android sample project.

TSL ASCII 2 Software Development Kit – for iOS
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Icon 1.6.1 July 8, 2021

The v1.6.0 release of the TSL iOS SDK is here! With a new FindTag Sample project (implemented in Swift/SwiftUI) and an updated framework supporting ASCII Protocol 2.5, this release is a significant upgrade to our iOS SDK.

New commands include:
TSLFindTagCommand (for series 21xx Readers) - controls the Reader's tag finder operation
TSLBlockPermalockTransponderCommand - to allow tags to be block permalocked
TSLAutorunCommand - allows the SD-Card's 'auto.txt' file to be read, written or deleted.

The latest TSLAsciiCommands framework is now available in the new XCFramework format for Xcode 12 users. We have also audited the API to improve type-safety in Swift apps.

Finally, the included documentation has been completely overhauled and now provides a fresh, modern look, an updated 'Getting Started' section, improved enum type documentation and both ObjC and Swift interfaces for all commands.

*The v1.6.1 update provides XCFramework ObjC project compatibility and minor documentation updates.

Simple Protocol console application example
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Icon 2.0 April 22, 2021

An example, console-only .NET application, showing how to use the Simple Protocol with a 2173 reader to read data from the memory of an ISO15693 transponder.

Updated with new TILF commands

TSL ASCII 2 Software Development Kit – for Xamarin
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Icon 1.2 July 18, 2019

The v1.2 release of the TSL cross-platform, Xamarin SDK (for PCL-based projects) is now available. This release uses the Tsl.AsciiProtocol PCL library v1.3.6 (available via NuGet) which contains many new features including:

  • Full support for ASCII Protocol 2.5 - including the new FindTagCommand to simplify the implementation of tag finding.
  • USB support for UWP-based projects
  • A new connection mechanism (AsciiTransportsManager) while retaining ReaderConnectionManager to maintain full backwards compatibility with existing projects.
  • Sequencing of synchronously executed ExecuteCommand() calls to eliminate cross thread "Command is already executing" exceptions
  • New Bluetooth pairing support via the BluetoothSecurity class
  • HostBarcodeHandler a helper class to initiate a barcode scan on the terminal from reader trigger for supported terminals

The Sample Projects, in this release, have all been updated to demonstrate USB support for UWP Apps and fix minor bugs. The new, cross-platform, .NET Standard SDK will be released shortly and we recommend that it is used for all new projects.

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Icon 2.9 September 14, 2015

Version 2.9 updated to support Motorola MC67

TSL ASCII 2 Software Development Kit – for .NET CF
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Icon 1.1 November 28, 2014

The .NET Compact Framework v1.1 SDK release provides full support for devices running ASCII Protocol 2.2 which includes a new LicenceKeyCommand that resellers can use to uniquely identify their own devices and additions to the SwitchActionCommand to allow the trigger repeat rate to be changed. The sample code includes a new project demonstrating the use of the LicenceKeyCommand.

TSL ASCII 2 Software Development Kit – for .NET Desktop
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Icon 1.1 November 28, 2014

The .NET Framework v1.1 SDK release provides full support for devices running ASCII Protocol 2.2 which includes a new LicenceKeyCommand that resellers can use to uniquely identify their own devices and additions to the SwitchActionCommand to allow the trigger repeat rate to be changed. The sample code includes a new project demonstrating the use of the LicenceKeyCommand.

TSL ASCII 2 Software Development Kit – for Windows Phone
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Icon 1.0 May 23, 2014

Windows Phone version of the ASCII 2 Software Development Kit