In the healthcare industry accuracy and efficiency are vital. Time pressures and staff stress can lead to medical errors and costly litigation. Errors can be fatal where misidentification of patients, medication or samples occur.
With an RFID solution the reliable identification of patients, their samples and their medication can prevent mistakes and increase patient care and safety. Increasingly hospitals require that health workers can access and record data securely via the use of mobile devices leveraging off some of the existing security infrastructure that is already in place such as secure contact smart cards.
The potential to eliminate manual data entry has far reaching advantages in healthcare applications. The increased efficiency, accuracy of data collections, the correct identification of people, medication and samples can, together, transform the efficiency of healthcare by the appropriate application of new technology.
Customers using RFID in Health Care

• Medication administration
• Patient identification
• Laboratory sample labelling
• Medication management
• Blood transfusion management
• Supply inventory management
• Security/ visitor access control
• Quarantine management
• Diagnosis information
• Patron management
• Product authentication
• Monitoring and location of medical devices
• Secure patient record from desktops and mobile devices
• Management of discharge procedures operational efficiency thus enhancing profitability and boosting customer satisfaction.