Support Articles

Changing the Bluetooth® Operating Mode

15th November 2017

TSL® Bluetooth® UHF RFID Readers can be operated in SPP mode where the Reader is controlled by a custom-written application, or in HID mode, where the Reader behaves like a Bluetooth® Keyboard.  The Bluetooth® operating mode of a TSL® UHF RFID Reader can be changed using the steps detailed in this article.

Comparison of Bluetooth® Operating Modes

26th January 2018

Our UHF RFID Bluetooth® readers support two modes of operation using Bluetooth® Wireless Technology. When connected via USB the reader always supports the TSL® ASCII 2 protocol, but when connected over Bluetooth® the reader can either be set to use the TSL® ASCII 2 protocol (Bluetooth® SPP Mode) or it can appear as a Bluetooth® keyboard (Bluetooth® HID Mode). The comparison chart in this article is designed to help you understand the differences between the two operating modes.

Bluetooth® Auto-Reconnect Mode

2nd January 2018

Information on enabling the Bluetooth® Auto-Reconnect Mode on iOS Devices. A firmware change now allows for a reader, in SPP mode, to reverse the master/slave role, remember the last connection and attempt to reconnect automatically when it is powered-on. This behaviour is off by default and is currently only applicable to iOS devices.

USB Tethered Mode Operation

17th December 2014

Technology Solutions UHF RFID readers are primarily designed to be connected wirelessly using Bluetooth®. A Micro USB port is provided for charging and this can also be used instead of the wireless connection for data transfer.